Anavar - anavar-1695507912694


Oxandrolone 10mg


Anavar, with the active ingredient Oxandrolone at 10mg, is a well-regarded oral anabolic steroid. Famed for its mild nature and low androgenic activity, it's often the choice for those seeking lean muscle gains and improved athletic performance without excessive side effects. Particularly popular among female athletes, Anavar promotes strength and endurance without notable water retention.

Key Features

  • Primary Effect: Lean muscle development, strength augmentation, and enhanced recovery.
  • Usage: Popular in cutting cycles, though also used in bulking phases by some.
  • Duration: Short-acting; daily administration recommended.
  • Form: Oral tablet.

Dosage Recommendations

  • Men: 30-80mg daily, depending on goals and tolerance.
  • Women: 5-20mg daily, subject to individual tolerance and objectives.

Side Effects

Possible side effects from Anavar use may include:

  • Mild liver toxicity, though less than many other oral steroids.
  • Decrease in natural testosterone production in men.
  • Headaches or temporary changes in skin color.
  • Rare androgenic effects, such as body/facial hair growth, voice deepening, or acne, particularly at higher doses.


Use of Anavar should be reconsidered or closely monitored under the following conditions:

  • Individuals with known liver diseases or complications.
  • Persons with a history of cardiovascular issues.
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Storage & Handling

  • Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct light and out of reach of children.
  • Keep tightly sealed when not in use.

Disclaimer: This description serves an informational purpose about Anavar. It's vital to consult a healthcare professional before starting use of this or any other anabolic product.