Dianabol - dianabol-1695507189752


Methandrostenolone 10mg


Dianabol, formulated as Methandrostenolone at 10mg strength per tablet, is one of the most iconic and widely used oral anabolic steroids. Often referred to by the abbreviated name "Dbol", it's highly regarded for its ability to promote significant muscle growth, enhanced strength, and increased nitrogen retention within a short time frame.

Key Features

  • Primary Effect: Rapid muscle gains, increased strength, and improved protein synthesis.
  • Usage: Commonly incorporated in bulking cycles. Can be used as a standalone or stacked with other compounds.
  • Duration: Short-acting, necessitating daily administration.
  • Form: Oral tablet.

Dosage Recommendations

  • Men: 20-50mg daily, depending on experience and goals.
  • Women: Use is rare due to virilization risks. If chosen, a lower dosage of 5-10mg daily is typical.

Side Effects

Dianabol users might experience several potential side effects:

  • Liver toxicity, given its C17-alpha alkylated nature.
  • Water retention and bloating.
  • Elevated blood pressure.
  • Androgenic effects like acne, oily skin, and potential hair loss.


Dianabol usage should be approached with caution or avoided under the following conditions:

  • Individuals diagnosed with liver disorders or displaying elevated liver enzyme levels.
  • Those with a history of heart or cardiovascular diseases.
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Storage & Handling

  • Store tablets in a dry place, maintaining temperatures between 15-25°C.
  • Protect from excessive light and moisture.
  • Always secure the container's lid after use.
  • Position out of children's and pets' reach.

Disclaimer: The information above provides a broad overview of Dianabol (Methandrostenolone). Individual formulations or brands might differ. Before initiating any anabolic steroid regimen, always consult a healthcare professional.