Stanozolol - stanozolol-1695506811101


Stanozolol 10 Mg


Stanozolol, available in a 10 mg tablet form, is a potent anabolic steroid widely recognized under the trade name Winstrol. Known for its ability to promote muscle growth without water retention, it is highly sought after in bodybuilding, especially during cutting phases, and in various athletic disciplines for its performance-enhancing properties.

Key Features

  • Primary Effect: Facilitates lean muscle gain, boosts strength, and enhances overall athletic performance.
  • Usage: Predominantly used in cutting cycles to maintain lean muscle tissue while shedding fat.
  • Duration: Moderate acting with a daily administration schedule.
  • Form: Oral tablet.

Dosage Recommendations

  • Men: 20-50mg daily.
  • Women: 5-10mg daily. Monitor for any signs of virilization.

Side Effects

Stanozolol is well-tolerated by many, but potential side effects include:

  • Liver toxicity due to its C17-alpha alkylation.
  • Potential cholesterol imbalances.
  • Joint discomfort or pain.
  • Androgenic effects like acne and potential hair loss.


Usage should be avoided in the following cases:

  • Individuals with liver disorders or elevated liver enzymes.
  • Those with a history of cardiovascular issues or high cholesterol levels.
  • Pregnant or nursing women.

Storage & Handling

  • Store at room temperature between 15-25°C.
  • Keep the tablets in a secure location away from moisture and sunlight.
  • Ensure the bottle or container remains tightly closed after use.
  • Keep out of reach of children and pets.

Disclaimer: This content offers a general overview of Stanozolol. It might not encompass specific formulations or brands. Consultation with a healthcare professional is strongly advised before considering the use of this or any other anabolic steroid.