Test-Cypionate - test-cypionate-1695506737787


Testosterone Cypionate 300 mg/ml

Testosterone Cypionate, a potent anabolic and androgenic hormone, fosters size and strength gains. By enhancing nitrogen retention, it boosts muscle protein storage. IGF-1 levels rise, further enhancing anabolic activity, while satellite cells are activated for muscle repair. This oil-soluble ester is a crystalline powder, soluble in alcohol and oils. In bulking cycles, it aids lean muscle growth with controlled fat gain. In cutting phases, it preserves muscle and strength during calorie deficit. Performance dosages aid recovery and extend workouts. For treating low testosterone, typical adult doses range from 25 to 50 milligrams, administered 2-3 times weekly, or less frequently for larger doses.

Store in a cool dry place below 30°C.

As Directed by the Physician

Keep out of children’s reach