Winstrol - winstrol-1695506057485


Stanozolol 100 mg/ml


Winstrol, containing the active ingredient Stanozolol at a concentration of 100 mg/ml, is a widely recognized anabolic steroid. Renowned for its ability to produce lean muscle gains without water retention, it's a top choice for athletes and bodybuilders during cutting phases and for those looking to improve overall athletic performance.

Key Features

  • Primary Effect: Promotes lean muscle mass, strength gains, and endurance without causing bloating or water retention.
  • Usage: Cutting cycles, performance enhancement, and lean muscle growth.
  • Duration: Moderate acting.
  • Form: Injectable.

Dosage Recommendations

  • Men: 50-100mg every other day.
  • Women: 10-20mg every third day. (Use with caution to avoid virilization.)

Side Effects

While Winstrol is often chosen for its reduced androgenic activity, it can still present side effects:

  • Liver strain due to its C17-alpha alkylation.
  • Joint discomfort or pain.
  • Adverse effects on cholesterol levels.
  • Testosterone suppression in men.
  • Risk of virilization in women at higher doses.


Not recommended for:

  • Individuals with liver disease or elevated liver enzymes.
  • Those with high cholesterol or cardiovascular concerns.
  • Pregnant or nursing women.

Storage & Handling

  • Store between 15-25°C in a cool, dry place.
  • Protect from direct sunlight and keep away from children.
  • Ensure the vial is tightly sealed after use.

Disclaimer: The above information offers a general overview of Winstrol as a compound. It might not completely represent specific formulations or brands. Always consult with a healthcare professional before considering the use of this or any anabolic steroid.